Get Healthy 502- Physical Exams

Protect Your Health 

We know that in a world where you have one hundred priorities, putting your health at the top can be difficult. The truth is, we cannot care for others until we care for themselves. This year, schedule a physical with a provider as an important way to stay healthy.

Why should I schedule an annual physical? 

Black women are just as likely as non-Hispanic white women to get cervical cancer but twice as likely to die from it. And they are 20% more likely to die from breast cancer. In addition, breast, colon and cervical cancers often are diagnosed in more advanced stages in Black women, when they are more difficult to treat. This is why screenings and vaccinations during an annual physical are so important. 

What happens during my physical? 

Think of your primary care provider as your advocate for physical and mental health throughout your life. Your provider can help you navigate the health care system to get the preventive care you need along with screenings and vaccines, such as a mammogram, colonoscopy, Pap smear and HPV vaccine — the only vaccine that helps prevent cancers related to human papillomavirus. 

You know your body best. If you feel like something is wrong, your primary care provider is the resource to call for support. 

With your provider, you can discuss in confidence:

  • Any mental or physical symptoms you are feeling
  • Contraception and sexual health concerns 
  • Breast cancer and cervical cancer screenings 
  • What vaccines you may need or want to have 
  • Lab work to check your cholesterol, blood sugar and more 
  • Hormone imbalances 
  • Ongoing health conditions and family history 

How do I get started? 

Find a primary care location near you and schedule an annual physical online, or call (502) 629-1234, option 3.