Spike Lee’s latest short film is a ‘Love Letter’ to New York.

Spike Lee’s Latest Short Film is A ‘Love Letter’ to New York. Filmmaker Spike Lee is showing New York some love in a new short film. The film, New York, New York, is a three-and-a-half-minute visual love letter to the city hardest hit by COVID-19. The film embraces landmarks such as the Apollo Theatre, Grand Central Station, Yankee Stadium, Wall Street subway station, the Brooklyn Bridge, the New York Stock Exchange, Coney Island’s Wonder Wheel, Junior’s restaurant, the Oculus and more, while Frank Sinatra’s iconic New York anthem plays in the background. Lee told CNN’s Anderson Cooper, To be honest, I’m really trying not to dictate what the people should feel…there are many different feelings there. It’s bittersweet. It’s painful at the beginning—what you see, there’s nobody there. But at the end of the film, that’s where we see New Yorkers. I wouldn’t want to be any other place in the world but here—the epicenter. You can check out the short film on Lee’s Instagram page. What are your thoughts on Lee’s short film?

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