Tamar Braxton Accuses WeTV Bosses of Making Her ‘Suicidal’ in Scathing Letter

Tamar Braxton reportedly sent an email to her WEtv bosses accusing them of destroying her family and making her “suicidal.” The letter was sent weeks before her alleged suicide attempt on Thursday night, Page Six reports.

The singer and her famous family have appeared on a reality show on the network for more than a decade.  Braxton allegedly detailed her downward spiral in the email seen by Page Six, explaining that her family is in “disarray.”

“We fight with each other, we betray each other, and now we’re physically assaulting each other — all happening because your show [“Braxton Family Values”] has chosen to show the absolute worst side of a strong, independent and successful African American family; a show that I created to showcase a strong Black Family as a beacon of hope for all the young black girls and boys out there; instead you coached and cajoled us into finding the worst in each other,” she wrote.

She went on to call the network “cruel white slave masters who once chained our forefathers, and the oppressive police forces that now terrorize our communities,” she added, “I hope those ratings were worth it because you succeeded in destroying a great black family.”

*Tamar Braxton reportedly sent an email to her WEtv bosses accusing them of destroying her family and making her “suicidal.”

The letter was sent weeks before her alleged suicide attempt on Thursday night, Page Six reports.

The singer and her famous family have appeared on a reality show on the network for more than a decade.

Braxton allegedly detailed her downward spiral in the email seen by Page Six, explaining that her family is in “disarray.”

“We fight with each other, we betray each other, and now we’re physically assaulting each other — all happening because your show [“Braxton Family Values”] has chosen to show the absolute worst side of a strong, independent and successful African American family; a show that I created to showcase a strong Black Family as a beacon of hope for all the young black girls and boys out there; instead you coached and cajoled us into finding the worst in each other,” she wrote.

She went on to call the network “cruel white slave masters who once chained our forefathers, and the oppressive police forces that now terrorize our communities,” she added, “I hope those ratings were worth it because you succeeded in destroying a great black family.”

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Braxton noted that “the final stake into the heart of my family” was “the day you dug up a secret I’d never shared with anyone, a secret I was so ashamed to talk about that I hid it even from my own mom: the fact that I had been assaulted and raped repeatedly from age 6 to age 16, sometimes multiple times a day.”

She said the show’s producers “exposed it on your show in front of my entire family and 100 crew members.” She added, “You broke me that day and I considered ending my own life then for the shame I felt!”

Tamar ended the email, “I have news for you! Today, I take my power back. I will no longer tolerate being oppressed. I am asking you to break the chains NOW and LET ME GO I am suffocating! I CAN’T BREATHE!!”

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